2016 Golden Agers Christmas Party

Rob Bonack - 1/15/2017

With the extremely low attendance this past 2 years, the auxiliary has been discussing the re-scheduling this traditionally "winter” observance to maybe a picnic like atmosphere during the summer. We brought this up to those attending our dinner and the consensus was that they would really like to eat at noon rather than at 4:30 p.m. but would rather have hot beef in December than a brat or burger in summer. We will keep you informed. A couple of years ago we had to turn residents away because we just plain couldn’t set up "another plate and chair”. (Remember several of those came with wheelchairs and walkers.) But a fun-time was had by those who attended- they certainly like the participating post members serving the food! (Without their assistance we would be unable to put this dinner together. Again...Post 7692 – THANK YOU...YOU ARE THE GREATEST!